Linda K. Dean

Wellness & Stress Management

What is Jin Shin Jyutsu?


Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) is an ancient art of harmonizing life energy and bringing balance to the body's energies promoting optimal health, well-being and facilitating our profound healing capacity.

JSJ induces deep relaxation and reduces the effects of stress, pain,tension and toxins that accumulate through normal daily living.

JSJ employes 26 "safety energy locks" (analogous to the locks in a canal) along pathways that feed life to our bodies.  When one or more paths become locked, the resulting stagnation can disrupt the local area and eventually dis-harmonize the complete path of the energy flow.  Like a river, when healthy, the water flows freely within the banks and stays clean.  When a dam occurs and the river overflows its banks, some formerly dry areas may get flooded--while others may become stagnant, polluted, or dry up completely. 

In the human body, these areas of stagnation or overflow manifest as symptoms of disease.  Holding different combinations of the 26 safety energy locks helps to facilitate the energy flow and bring balance throughout the body.

The one hour session is customized to the present needs of the recipient; each session is unique. 

The recipient lies face up on a padded table, fully clothed. The practitioner applies fingertips on designated areas to harmonize and restore the energy flow.  This "jumper cabling" facilitates reduction of tension, fatigue and stress that accumulate through daily living, and creates a deep sense of harmony.






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