Linda K. Dean

Wellness & Stress Management

What is Aromatherapy?


Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils from seeds, roots, woods, plants, herbs, trees, flowers and fruits for beneficial emotional and physical effects on the body. Essential oils can also be used with animals. 

Each essential oil offers different therapeutic properties.  Some essential oils are classified as balancing, relaxing, stimulating, or antifungal, decongestants, analgesics, anti-inflammatory and digestives, etc. When some oils are combined (synergy) the therapeutic effect has greater effect.

Common uses:  compresses, inhalation, bathing, massage, and for environmental fragrance such as diffusers, candles, etc.

Common essential oils:  Lavender (balancing and also used for cuts, insect bites and burns).  Lavender is also utilized for headaches, migraines,reducing inflammation and pain, and to induce sleep.

Of the many essential oils, 10-20 are commonly used, including Lavender, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Clary Sage, Lemon Verbena, and Geranium, etc.

Essential oils are placed in a carrier oil (grape seed, etc.) or lotions, and travel within the blood stream to all parts of the body are excreted through body fluids.

It is important to consult an Aromatherapist to learn how to use essential oils for relaxation and common illness.

Let's create a fun event for your friends and family. Call to either attend a workshop or to put a small group together and I will teach a fun, experiential workshop where participants have the opportunity to try several oils to determine what aromas will work most effectively.

Please call me with any questions.  Have a great day!


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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